Monday, October 13, 2008

Guilt by Association

Here we go. Again. Preaching hate.

How can the McCain campaign in good conscience and with any kind of honor create a lynching atmosphere at its rallies and in its campaign in general?

Shouts of traitor follow, naturally, the declarations by the second runner up in the Miss Alaska contest that Barack Obama associates with known domestic terrorists. Her behavior is totally irresponsible and merely perpetuates the stereotypes of intellectually lightweight beauty queens.

The idea that Barack Obama is a traitor is absolute horseshit. Barack Obama was only eight years old when Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn founded the Weatherman Group and ploted an end to the Viet Nam war and destruction of the Pentagon. They are now - dare I use the term?- community activists, professors at the University of Illinois Chicago Campus, and mentors to new teachers. They are on the boards of several high powered charities, and it is in that role that Barack Obama met them.

The McCain campaign, according to this morning's Wall Street Journal, is worried about the South in general, and Virginia in particular, going for Obama. To that end, one of McCain's campaign chiefs, the chairman of the Buchanan County Republicans, in published a column, that said if we were attacked by Al Queida, Obama would have us all learn Arabic, "raise taxes to pay for drugs for Obama's inner-city political base," and replace the stars on our flag with the Islamic symbol of a star and crescent.

This is the lowest, meanest kind of race baiting and creation of hatred. I cannot understand why McCain and his followers would try to split the country in this horrific manner. This is worthy of Charles Manson, who thought that the murders of Sharon Tate, et. al., would foment race war in the United States and he could take over.

The behavior of the McCain campaign sickens me.

The only bright spot has been John McCain's statement at a campaign rally that Barack Obama is an honorable and decent man and this kind of behavior is unacceptable. McCain was booed by his supporters for his statement. It does not show his control and leadership.

What we need now in the United States is some pulling together. We have been polarized long enough, and the Bush administration has actively promoted the separation of rich and poor, Republican and Democrat, those who read the Bible as literal truth and the rest of us, those who believe in the Constitution and those who wish to supress it, hawks and doves, red states and blue states. At this point we are all Americans, and someone needs to show some leadership to point that out.

Sicking his pit bull with lipstick on Obama with lies about his religious background and "terrorist" activities shows that despite speaking out at a campaign rally, McCain has very little control of his campaign, and that he would rather continue the Bush policy of using fear to tear us apart rather than pull the country together to make us better and stronger. (Palin lied point blank when she told the media that the investigation into the firing of her chief of safety in Alaska showed no wrong-doing, either legal or ethical, and that it was the work of Obama supporters in Alaska. Her statement makes me twitch. The investigation began long before anyone ever heard of her on the national scene, and was instigated by Republicans.)

A good leader pulls more out of his followers than they thought they were capable of. Unfortunately, McCain and Palin incite only fear and hatred.


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1 comment:

Joseph Miller said...

Well said, Bill!! How have you been, btw? Well, I hope. I'm emotionally wearing myself out on this election.
My new email is if you don't have it.