Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Free Mammograms

I just received an interesting email from a friend of mine exhorting me to click for a free mammogram for a woman who couldn't afford one.

The Breast Cancer Site requires 45,000 clicks for each free mammogram, I suppose the underlying supposition being that you might also go to one of their sponsors, which pays to advertise on the site.

I checked it out on and discovered it is true. You can help needy women get a free mammograms. The site receives just under 60,000 clicks each day and provides 1.3 free mammograms daily, which doesn't sound like many. That comes out to about 475 a year, which is still a drop in the bucket. BUT, by clicking on the site each day (you're allowed only one click per day), you can help raise that to 1.5 or 2 or . . . With my many readers, the mind boggles.

In any event, please join me in clicking daily. And in spreading the word.

click on any of the highlighted words to get to the site. Thanks.

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