Monday, September 29, 2008

The Way Out of our Financial Crisis

I’m wondering if we could bail out the economy by selling Alaska?

Of course, there’s no possibility we would or should give away the huge natural resources of such a beautiful and wild part of the United States. If we sold it to the Russians or the Chinese or probably any other country, we’d end up being the great loser. In the distant, Starwars-ish future we will no doubt find a way to exploit the resources of the state without destroying it.

The big advantages at this point, it seems to me, are that we could be out of debt to the countries that already own a majority of these United States, bail out the financial industry (giving golden parachutes perhaps to every American, the same kind that residents of the state of Alaska now receive) and certain incompetent candidates (did you watch the Katie Couric interviews!?) would lose their citizenship and thereby be ineligible to be vice president - or president in case of that person’s death.

On the other hand, and in a related but not relevant aside, I am predicting that the financial crisis will become so intense that Vice President Cheney and his minion President George Bush will declare an emergency and suspend the Constitution so they can continue to “rule” in royal fashion.

As always, I invite your comments below.

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